As an author, writing a book is your primary responsibility. So once that’s done, you can relax, right? Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Once your manuscript is ready, it’s time for you to look for a book editor who can polish your writing and make it ready for publication. It doesn’t matter if you have excellent command over the language and are a master of the art of writing. You must enlist the services of a professional book editor to analyze your manuscript in an unbiased manner and help weed out the smallest of mistakes.
What Does Book Editing Involve?
A book editor or copyeditor will go through the manuscript to catch errors that you, the author, have missed. This includes, among others, errors in punctuation, spelling, syntax, and grammar. It is also the copyeditor’s duty to ensure that your manuscript adheres to a particular style guide basis your preference, if any, for the spelling and punctuation to be used. Fact-checking within the scope of copyediting and tweaking the writing to ensure a smooth read are some of the other duties of a copyeditor. You can opt for a freelance editor or go with a professional editing service based on your needs and budget.
Determining the Cost
Editing a book is a specialized service and could involve one of three different types of editing or all three as well depending on the quality of the manuscript. Copyediting, line editing, and developmental editing are the three main categories of editing. Editing rates are typically determined using a page or a word as the unit of measure. Hourly rates are rarely used when it comes to long books. Here’s what you can expect to pay as editing costs.’
How much does copyediting cost ?
The copyediting process starts with a thorough review of the manuscript to (a) identify any missing elements, (b) confirm the requested level of copyediting, and (c) address any special requirements specified by the client. Copyeditors then work to style main elements in text; format and clean up text; link figures, tables, and reference citations; and perform a mechanical check to fix any errors.
All copyediting is done on Word documents with track changes on, unless the client requests otherwise. Formatting and adherence to the prescribed style guide are a few other aspects that copyediting can help with. Copyediting rates can range from 1.1 USD to 1.5 USD per 100 words. This can go higher in the case of academic books or research books and other niche genres.
How much does line editing cost ?
As part of line editing, the editor looks for errors by checking the manuscript line after line. This is done to ensure the prose flows smoothly. Keeping sentences brief and making them sound better are at the core of line editing. It is important to note that line editing encompasses copyediting, but line editors do much, much more than simply correcting grammatical errors. Rates range from 1.6 USD to 2 USD per 100 words.
How much does developmental editing cost ?
In developmental editing, the editor looks at the manuscript as a whole. Developmental editing aims to improve the content and structure of a manuscript. It involves developing the plot, characterization, and setting of a narrative. The developmental editor also keeps an eye out for issues such as plagiarism, gender bias, and other legalities involved. Due to the comprehensive nature of editing required, developmental editing often tends to be priced higher than other types of editing. The rates tend to be anywhere between 2.1 USD to 2.5 USD per 100 words.
Other factors that determine the cost of editing a book include:
Complexity of the work: academic works, books with many footnotes and citations, and niche topics are likely to cost more than novels.
Your experience as a writer: Being a novice at writing can lead to a higher rate of editing. This is because beginner writers are likely to need more help with their writing as opposed to more experienced authors.
The deadline: If your publishing deadline is looming closer and you need your work done quickly, then it is likely that the editing will be more expensive due to rush charges.
The editor’s experience: A highly experienced editor with a wide portfolio of edited works is likely to charge more than someone with lesser experience in the field.
So, decide on the type of editing your manuscript needs, and get in touch with an organization that offers book editing services. You could choose the type of editing you require or simply let an experienced book editor decide on what type of editing will make your book a better read.
For more details, please check out Amnet Author Services.