Our expert team provides professional line editing services for manuscripts across all genres.

Line Editing

We are committed to providing the best resources to our authors to help them get an error-free and grammatically correct manuscript. Line editing encompasses copy editing, but line editors do much, much more than simply correcting grammatical errors. And our Amnet-affiliated editors are happy to take those extra steps. Our line editors examine each individual sentence as a whole and suggest changes that improve readability.

Line Editing Is a Boon for Our Authors

Why? Line editing goes beyond the scope of standard copyediting to also correct word usage, verbosity, sentence structure, and content organizational issues. In addition, it provides feedback and suggestions on dialogue, flow, characterization, tone and style, and point of view when the content has or requires these elements.

Line Editing Service at Amnet

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say our editors are at the very summit of their careers. And to deftly handle books that are so precious to their writers, only the finest editors will do. Here is what you can look forward to in our line editing process.

Step 1

Read the entire book

Step 2

Correct any grammatical, punctuation, syntax, or abbreviation errors

Step 3

Check for any inconsistencies or redundancies in paragraphs, and suggest improvements to paragraphs or sentences.

Step 4

Confirm that the font is consistent and that no words are unnecessarily capitalized.

Step 5

Reread the manuscript to ensure everything is covered.

Step 6

Send the manuscript back to you (the author) with comments on the changes.

Step 7

Further steps will be determined once you address the changes in the first round. (There may be up to three rounds depending on the communication between you and the editor)

Our line editing service, combined with some of the brightest editors around, can give you a book that you can be certain will be free of errors and conveys your story perfectly!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is line editing for?

Amnet’s line editing services are for authors who want to make sure everything is perfect before their book is published. You can rest assured that our line editors will always aim to ensure that your book’s voice and personality remain untarnished.

Will editors make changes to my book without telling me?

Absolutely not! Every editorial change will be tracked, and you (the author) reserve the right to accept or reject every edit. Only the changes that you desire will be made permanent. You can alert the editor to any edits you feel are unnecessary, and the editor will uphold your decisions. 

Is there anything line editing cannot do?

Line editing is geared toward improving sentence structure, word choice, and flow in addition to correcting grammatical errors. However, there are limitations to what you can expect with this service.

  • Line editing cannot help you identify logical errors or plot holes.
  • Line editing will not add new content to the manuscript. 
  • Line editing will help you flag certain holistic errors in book structuring, but not correct them.
  • Line editing will not touch the core story or its presentation, leaving the author’s voice intact.
How is line editing different from other forms of editing?

Line editing is geared toward improving sentence structure, word choice, and flow in addition to correcting grammatical errors. Grammatical mistakes can distract readers and make for a poor reading experience. Poor sentence structure and word choice can often leave readers apprehensive about continuing with the book regardless of how great the story may otherwise be. So, if you feel your book could do with better sentence structure, word choice, and improved flow, line editing is an editing option you can consider. If you’re hoping for a higher level of intervention such as plot suggestions, story progression suggestions, or content organization, please check out our developmental editing service.

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